Early Stratopan

There is a very promising tool for all Perl developers, it is called Stratopan.
Here is my experience with this brand new tool.

Why use Stratopan?

Everybody needs the power of CPAN, but sometimes modules get broken. With Stratopan (yes, it seems to mean stratos + CPAN ,) you can freeze a set of CPAN modules and use it for your development or production environment.

What you can do with Stratopan?

Well, I will tell you what I could do.
  • I created a user: fibo.
  • I created a repo: Pippo. It will be my next project, a code generation tool.
  • I created a stack: dev, for instance.
  • Then I pulled just few modules in the stack: Template and Moose. So now I can install them using the following command
cpanm --mirror-only --mirror=http://alpha.stratopan.com/fibo/Pippo/dev PACKAGE_FOO

which installs the "PACKAGE_FOO" module picking from my freezed subset of CPAN, called Pippo/dev.

Unfortunately, there are really few features in this early alpha version.


  • It is a very promising tool.
  • You can use the power of Pinto from your browser.
  • Slicked bootstrap-like UI.


  • No profile, except a naked username.
  • Can't delete stacks.
  • Links in the footer are fake.
  • Plans and pricing are not defined.
  • Apparently, no way to contribute.


My advice is to play with Stratopan and give feedback to THALJEF if something doesn't work.

Why you should give feedback?

Come on! Jeff is the creator of Perl::Critic !

Every Perl coder should give thanks to him, for his great code analyzer. The best way to contribute to Stratopan is to get involved with Pinto. Once Pinto matures, then Jeff will be able to roll out more features to Stratopan very quickly.


  1. The pre-beta site is now running at https://alpha.stratopan.com. Feel free to poke around. I'd love to get your feedback.

  2. The Stratopan beta has launched! Sign up before December 15 and get free access for life. https://stratopan.com
