My Putty settings

Putty configuration tips.

Get Putty

Putty is a free (MIT-licensed) Win32 Telnet and SSH client. You need it if you want to use a terminal on Windows, I mean a real terminal, MS/DOS is not decent.

Check also PuttyTray.


For the impatient: copy the following content in a .reg file. To import it in regedit, right click on it and choose merge on the contextual menu.

It will overwrite the Default Settings configuration, details are in Configuration summary.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; This is a comment


Configuration summary



Use a monospaced font, for instance Consolas with 12 point size.

Choose ClearType as font quality.

Check the Hide mouse pointer when typing window flag.


Check the Full screen on Alt-Enter flag.


Choose UTF-8 encoding.


Putty default colours are not the best choice. Since folders are blue on a black background, the output of a simple ls is really hard to see.

The fastest workaround is to flag Use system colours.

You will joy a better color theme, for example this one taken from base16-mintty. See also chriskempson/tomorrow-theme too see how it looks like.

Colour name R G B
Default Foreground 211 208 200
Default Bold Foreground 242 240 236
Default Background 45 45 45
Default Bold Background 116 115 105
Cursor Text 0 0 0
Cursor Colour 252 151 31
ANSI Black 45 45 45
ANSI Black Bold 116 115 105
ANSI Red 242 119 122
ANSI Red Bold 249 145 87
ANSI Green 153 204 153
ANSI Green Bold 102 179 102
ANSI Yellow 255 204 102
ANSI Yellow Bold 255 189 51
ANSI Blue 102 153 204
ANSI Blue Bold 160 159 147
ANSI Magenta 204 153 204
ANSI Magenta Bold 232 230 223
ANSI Cyan 102 204 204
ANSI Cyan Bold 210 123 83
ANSI White 211 208 200
ANSI White Bold 242 240 236



Flag Use system username in the When username is not specified combo box.



Flag the Enable X11 forwarding option if you want to launch graphic programs.

Install some X Server for Windows. For example you can use XMing: you need to donate to download the Website release. I used an older release on SourceForge: I flagged the Don’t install an SSH client installer option.

Then start XMing and connect with PuTTY to the remote server: now you can launch any graphic application, try with Xeyes.



Automate login

It is not considered really secure, but, if you are not paranoic this is a really good tip.

Create a shortcut to Putty, you know, right click on it an send to Desktop. Then right click the shortcut and edit the Target entry adding -pw and -ssh flags with user and hostname arguments, something like

"C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\putty.exe" -ssh -pw s3cr3t

VoilĂ ! Now you can connect just clicking on the shortcut. Even better:

  • rename your shortcut as user@hostname argument, for instance
  • on Windows 8, right click the shortcut and Pin to Start

Now you can access really quickly to your connection: HOST + user@serv ...

See also

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