Learning Golang

I want to play with the Go Programming Language! This is my learning path.


I remember when Go was announced on november 2009. It was really interesting, also because it is nice to follow a project since the beginning. But I decided to learn it only at the time of this writing.

It has interesting features, a clean ecosystem, it runs on GAE: it is very attractive!



Get your installer from go downloads, at the time o this writing I downloaded go1.2.1.windows-amd64.msi.


Create or edit the following environment variables

the path to your Go installation
see here
edit it to find the go binary in your PATH

For instance, on Windows I add the environment variables

  • GOROOT=C:\Go
  • then I edit PATH adding %GOROOT%\bin;%GOPATH%\bin;.

Don’t forget to create GOPATH folder

For instance, open an MS-DOS prompt and launch

C:\> mkdir %GOPATH%

Vim integration

Golang is intgrated with Vim by its creators. See Go section in my Vim configuration.

Code 30 minutes everyday

Inspiered by Why Go is elegant and makes my code elegant and Write code everyday articles, since I am a mathematician, I started my quest on Project Euler to get my hands dirty with Go.

See also

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