By the way, sometimes I need to use sqlplus, here is a set of tips I always forget.
See also*Plus_FAQ
How to login
Check your environment
Make sure your env vars are set properly$ echo $ORACLE_HOME
Set your EDITOR var to enable the EDIT command. It is a good idea to set this variable in your .bash_profile, cause it is used also by other softwares (like git, subversion, Postgres and many more)
export EDITOR=vim
If you are already logged in sqlplus, you can do
Connection syntax
$ sqlplus schema/password@sid $ sqlplus schema/password
$ sqlplus /nolog SQL> connect as sysdba -- if you can :)
Exit command
SQL> quit
Setup your prompt
Defaults are really weird, try to make it more usable.Create a login.sql file in your current directory, your $HOME for instance, or in some directory you add to SQLPATH env var. Add to login.sql the following content
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Remember that, since PAUSE flag is on, you should hit enter after you run a query to see a first result.
Basic operations
Show command help
SQL> help index SQL> help [topic]
Show sqlplus settings
Show current user
Get table list
SQL> select * from user_objects where object_type = 'TABLE';
List table columns
SQL> DESC mytable
Get first n rows from a table
SQL> select * from foo where rownum < 100;
Find user's table size
SQL> SELECT segment_name, bytes/(1024*1024) AS Mb FROM user_segments WHERE segment_type = 'TABLE' ORDER BY 2 DESC;
Spool table content to file
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