How to install DBD::Oracle

I’m going to put here all the steps required to install DBD::Oracle CPAN module, which is not a straightforward installation.

The purpose is to reduce headache and turn it into a repeatable process.


Use Oracle Instant Client

I really recommend to use your own Oracle lib, cause if your DBAs upgrade or dismiss or whatever the official Oracle installation, you will need to be warned and to reinstall DBD::Oracle since it links to the Oracle shared libs. Trust me, use Oracle Instant Client, at the time of this writing you can download it from here or just google it.

Select your platform, download the files and put them somewhere in your home dir or some other path you can read/write. Check also the right version for your installation: latest is right now, but I had to use an older one, for instance,

Ask your DBAs which version you should use, probably the safe choice is to pick up the same version as the remote database. So don’t guess, login to the database server and launch

$ sqlplus /nolog

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mar Mar 25 15:25:03 2014

Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.


Type quit to exit. But remember that,

Oracle Instant Client right version depends only on your host Operating System version.

I’m going to put files under $HOME/opt/Oracle and store the .zip in the packages folder, so here there are my files

$ ls $HOME/opt/Oracle/packages
$ cd $HOME/opt/Oracle
$ unzip packages/
$ unzip packages/
$ unzip packages/

Setup your environment

I use to create a .oracle_profile with environment variables I need, so I can source it from .bash_profile or from another session (for example from a CPAN shell, see below).

It is important you use the same environment variables as in your scripts as at the time of installation, since installation will create linked libraries.
$ cat $HOME/.oracle_profile

export ORACLE_BASE=$HOME/opt/Oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/instantclient_10_2
export TNS_ADMIN=$HOME/etc

Yes I know! It is said that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is evil, but I couldn’ t complete a working installation without it.

Set NLS_LANG according to your needs. In the example above, it is ok for Italy and euro accounting (Western European charset).

TNS_ADMIN is the directory where you put your tnsadmin.ora, since we are not pointing to an Oracle server installation, we probably need also our own tns configuration.

Don’ t forget to source it from your .bash_profile!

Latest DBI

Configure A CPAN client that works like a charm and install latest DBI

$ cpan DBI


Get DBD::Oracle CPAN module

Download latest version of DBD::Oracle CPAN module, right now it is DBD-Oracle-1.64.tar.gz: you can download it manually from CPAN, untar it and cd into it

$ wget
$ tar xzf DBD-Oracle-1.64.tar.gz
$ cd DBD-Oracle-1.64

or just open a cpan shell and type

$ cpan
cpan> look DBD::Oracle
Working directory is /home/wa/.cpan/build/DBD-Oracle-1.64-KIWHyH

Now you can source the .oracle_profile you created, to load the environment variables.

$ source $HOME/.oracle_profile

Check at least that sqlplus is working

$ sqlplus /nolog

If you see a SQL> prompt, it means your installation have good chances to complete successfully. If not, probably you picked up an Oracle Instant Client version that is not compatible with your Operating System.
Create a log dir in your $ORACLE_HOME, otherwise you will find Oracle logs in your home dir.

$ mkdir $ORACLE_HOME/log

Now, clean your mind and pray the mantra

$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make

Run tests, it is always a good idea! But set the ORACLE_USERID and ORACLE_DSN env vars, otherwise it probably will default to scott/tiger and dbi:Oracle:testdb hence will fail (unless you have a brand new Oracle installation with the famous scott/tiger still around :).

$ export ORACLE_USERID=pippo/password123
$ export ORACLE_DSN='dbi:Oracle:mydsn'

$ make test

And finally

$ make install

A final test

If some tests fails or you want to check connectivity to one or more databases to be sure the installation will not be useless, here it is a simple test you can fill with your credentials and run launching

$ prove oracle.t
Loading …. gist

See also

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It took me a few hours, but I finally got DBD::Oracle successfully installed and working thanks to this post. Many thanks. I owe you.
