SQL client for Netezza

Graphic sql client for Netezza

My choice

Netezza CLI client is quite good, it is very similar to pgsql (indeed Netezza is a Postgres fork).

I feel very comfortable with the CLI but, in some situations using a graphical SQL client can be more userfriendly and fast.

Also, some users like Marketing people feel better if you are using a graphical client instead of an old school terminal.

I choose SQuirrel, cause it is a free (as in beer), open source and mature software.

Setup instructions

Get it

Get the latest SQuirrel version directly from SQuirrel Home Page. Navigate to the download section and get and install jar, for instance squirrel-sql-3.5.0-install.jar, just click on it to start installation.

Don't forget to flag the Netezza optional plugin during installation.

Make sure you have a jdbc driver. It is a file named nzjdbc.jar. You can install it with the nzjdbcsetup.exe you find in the drivers provided by Netezza.


Launch SQuirrel and create a new driver (click on the "+" button in the "driver" tab) and create a new driver.

Name: Netezza
Example URL: jdbc:netezza://<NZ_HOST>:5480/<NZ_DATABASE>
Website URL: http://www.netezza.com/
Class Name: org.netezza.Driver

Click the "Add" button in the "Extra Class Path" and navigate to your jdbc driver, Mine is located under C:\JDBC\nzjdbc.jar, that is the default path.

It should look like this.

Now go on "Aliases" tab and create a new alias, select "Netezza" in the Driver combo box and substitute <NZ_HOST> and <NZ_DATABASE> properly. Fill your user and password credentials and you are done. For example

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